Search for cool Projects
suravshrestha's github profile

An Artificial Intelligence application for predicting skin diseases.

QR code component
GyanPrakashKumar's github profile

This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Movie Trailer
goketech's github profile

The movie-trailer app is a web application that allows users to search and view trailers for their favorite movies. The application is developed using React and integrated with the TMD and YouTube APIs to fetch movie trailers. The application has a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and features a search bar and filter option to help users navigate through the content.

Number To Words Convertor
Avdhesh-Varshney's github profile

This project can convert the entered number into international system of numbering instantly.

rupali-codes's github profile

LinksHub is an open source Hub of ready-to-use tech resources. It contains links to free resources such as images, fonts, color, animation, languages and many more.

study time-counter
sonustar's github profile

it is a app which helps student to count how many hours he studies in a day infact he can check the back records

GitHub Users API
Hardikaz's github profile

This project is made by using GitHub Users API and simple HTML, CSS, JavaScript

aparna03dubey's github profile

A web application that counts the daily water intake of an indivisual.

mswat5's github profile

Hello! This Project is related to scrapping news from online articles

Caesar Cipher
whiteknight16's github profile

An encryptor decryptor app based on ancient Caesar and cipher technique

Deveesh-Shetty's github profile

Chromatico is a color generator application which features generating and saving different palettes and colors.

adity2911's github profile

Video Calling Android App

coder12git's github profile

Skin cancer detection from your skin images.

vinaysingh-chaudhary's github profile

You can see interesting pictures of our galaxy, I've used Nasa's POD API to source the pictures of the Universe, and I've used ReactJs and Tailwind to build this project

Jatan88's github profile

A Mobile Application for both Android and iOS for Job Opportunities.